Chaeronea overview
Region Aegean
Latitude 38.49297647 N suggest info
Longitude 22.84666614 E
Status Accurate location
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38.492976, 22.846666 === 38.492976 N, 22.846666 E === 38° 29' 34.7" N, 22° 50' 48.0" E
Pleiades gives scholars, students, and enthusiasts worldwide the ability to use, create, and share historical geographic information about the ancient world in digital form. At present, Pleiades has extensive coverage for the Greek and Roman world, and is expanding culturally, spatially, and temporally.
Nearest sites Orchomenos, Boeotia, circa 11.2 km (7 mi) east
Gla, circa 29.2 km (18.1 mi) east
Delphi, circa 30.1 km (18.7 mi) west
Perachora, circa 51.7 km (32.1 mi) south
Sicyon, circa 57.8 km (35.9 mi) south
Plataia, circa 48 km (29.8 mi) south-east
Aegosthena, circa 50.9 km (31.6 mi) south-east
Othrys, circa 59.7 km (37.1 mi) north
Aegira, circa 57.5 km (35.8 mi) south-west
Thebai, Cadmeia, Thebes, circa 47.5 km (29.5 mi) east
Korinthos, circa 65.2 km (40.5 mi) south
Isthmia, circa 65.4 km (40.6 mi) south
Hyria, circa 62.9 km (39.1 mi) east
Kenchreai, Cenchreae, circa 68.8 km (42.8 mi) south
Kenchreai Peninsula, circa 70.8 km (44 mi) south
Akrokorinthos, circa 67 km (41.6 mi) south
Artemision, Artemisium, Artemisio, circa 66.5 km (41.3 mi) north-east
Graia, Graea, Paralia Avlidos, Dramesi, circa 69 km (42.9 mi) east
Nemea, circa 77 km (47.8 mi) south
Alos, Halos, Chorostasi, circa 74.5 km (46.3 mi) north
≫ more...
Database ID 1969, created 5 May 2012, 21:57, Last changed 5 May 2012, 21:57