Akrokorinthos overview
Region Aegean
Latitude 37.89051431 N suggest info
Longitude 22.87139952 E
Status Accurate location
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37.890514, 22.871400 === 37.890514 N, 22.871400 E === 37° 53' 25.9" N, 22° 52' 17.0" E
This is a collection of images, thoughts, and resources about Ancient Greece. This site does not aspire to be a definitive and finite publication on the subject. Instead it exists in constant flux and evolves through time.
Thomas Sakoulas
Professor and Chair of the Art Department at the State University of New York, at Oneonta.
Nearest sites Korinthos, circa 1.9 km (2055 yd) north
Kenchreai, Cenchreae, circa 10.7 km (6.7 mi) east
Isthmia, circa 11.1 km (6.9 mi) east
Kenchreai Peninsula, circa 11.5 km (7.2 mi) east
Perachora, circa 15.4 km (9.5 mi) north
Nemea, circa 16.8 km (10.4 mi) south-west
Sicyon, circa 17.4 km (10.8 mi) north-west
Mukênai, Mycenae, circa 20.4 km (12.7 mi) south-west
Dendra, circa 26.3 km (16.3 mi) south
Argos, circa 31.2 km (19.4 mi) south-west
Tiryns, circa 32.9 km (20.5 mi) south
Stymphalos, circa 35.8 km (22.2 mi) west
Epidauros, circa 37.1 km (23.1 mi) south-east
Pyramid at Hellenikon, circa 38 km (23.6 mi) south-west
Asini, circa 38.4 km (23.9 mi) south
Myloi, circa 40 km (24.9 mi) south-west
Aegosthena, circa 42.3 km (26.3 mi) north-east
Megara, circa 43.6 km (27.1 mi) east
Aegira, circa 50.7 km (31.5 mi) north-west
Aegina, Temple of Apollo, circa 51 km (31.7 mi) east
≫ more...
Database ID 23381, created 1 Apr 2014, 15:17, Last changed 25 May 2015, 14:17