Nemea overview
Region Aegean
Latitude 37.80897457 N suggest info
Longitude 22.71043227 E
Status Accurate location
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37.808975, 22.710432 === 37.808975 N, 22.710432 E === 37° 48' 32.3" N, 22° 42' 37.6" E
Pleiades gives scholars, students, and enthusiasts worldwide the ability to use, create, and share historical geographic information about the ancient world in digital form. At present, Pleiades has extensive coverage for the Greek and Roman world, and is expanding culturally, spatially, and temporally.
Nearest sites Mukênai, Mycenae, circa 9.7 km (6 mi) south-east
Akrokorinthos, circa 16.8 km (10.4 mi) north-east
Argos, circa 19 km (11.8 mi) south
Sicyon, circa 19.5 km (12.1 mi) north
Dendra, circa 19.7 km (12.2 mi) south-east
Korinthos, circa 18.3 km (11.3 mi) north-east
Tiryns, circa 24.5 km (15.2 mi) south-east
Pyramid at Hellenikon, circa 24.9 km (15.5 mi) south
Myloi, circa 28.6 km (17.8 mi) south
Perachora, circa 27.4 km (17 mi) north-east
Stymphalos, circa 23 km (14.3 mi) west
Kenchreai, Cenchreae, circa 26.2 km (16.3 mi) east
Asini, circa 32.6 km (20.3 mi) south-east
Kenchreai Peninsula, circa 26.2 km (16.3 mi) east
Isthmia, circa 27.5 km (17.1 mi) east
Mantineia, Antigoneia, circa 35.1 km (21.8 mi) south-west
Orchomenos, Arcadia, circa 36 km (22.3 mi) west
Epidauros, circa 39.7 km (24.7 mi) south-east
Aegira, circa 45.9 km (28.5 mi) north-west
Tegea, circa 46.9 km (29.1 mi) south-west
≫ more...
Database ID 2446, created 15 Apr 2012, 22:33, Last changed 16 Apr 2012, 01:14