Achilleion overview
Other name(s) Achilleum
Region Aegean
Section Phyrgia
Latitude 39.91497558 N suggest info
Longitude 26.15161839 E
Status Imprecise
Info According to legend, the burial places of Achilleus and Paroclos.
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39.914976, 26.151618 === 39.914976 N, 26.151618 E === 39° 54' 53.9" N, 26° 9' 5.8" E
Nearest sites Sigeion, circa 9.1 km (5.7 mi) north-east
Ilios, Wilusa, Ilion, Troas, Troy, circa 8.8 km (5.5 mi) north-east
Rhoiteion, Rhoeteum, circa 16.6 km (10.3 mi) north-east
Sestos, Sestiacos sinus, circa 38.8 km (24.1 mi) north-east
Abydos, Abydus, circa 38.1 km (23.7 mi) north-east
Smintheum, circa 42.2 km (26.2 mi) south
Assos, circa 49.8 km (30.9 mi) south-east
Methynma, Molyvos, circa 60.8 km (37.8 mi) south
Lampsakos, circa 66.5 km (41.3 mi) north-east
Eresos, circa 85.1 km (52.9 mi) south
Messon, Mesa, circa 81 km (50.3 mi) south
Adramyttion, Adramyttium, Edremit, circa 81.2 km (50.5 mi) south-east
Ainos, Aenus, Poltyobria, Enez, circa 90.2 km (56 mi) north
[Placemark], circa 96.1 km (59.7 mi) south-east
Mytilene Theatre, circa 95.7 km (59.4 mi) south-east
Mytilene, Mytilini, circa 96 km (59.7 mi) south-east
Mesembria, circa 109.9 km (68.3 mi) north-west
Alexandroupolis, Mesimvria, circa 114.1 km (70.9 mi) north-west
Maroneia, Ismara, circa 119.6 km (74.3 mi) north-west
Myrina, circa 92.7 km (57.6 mi) west
≫ more...
Database ID 6988, created 7 Apr 2012, 18:27, Last changed 25 Dec 2013, 14:31