Mytilene Theatre overview
Region Aegean
Latitude 39.11052305 N suggest info
Longitude 26.54675075 E
Status Accurate location
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39.110523, 26.546751 === 39.110523 N, 26.546751 E === 39° 6' 37.9" N, 26° 32' 48.3" E
Pleiades gives scholars, students, and enthusiasts worldwide the ability to use, create, and share historical geographic information about the ancient world in digital form. At present, Pleiades has extensive coverage for the Greek and Roman world, and is expanding culturally, spatially, and temporally.
Main site Mytilene, Mytilini, circa 918 m (1004 yd) east
Nearest sites [Placemark], circa 1437 m (1572 yd) east
Messon, Mesa, circa 22.9 km (14.2 mi) west
Pitane, Çandarli, circa 39.1 km (24.3 mi) south-east
Methynma, Molyvos, circa 42.9 km (26.7 mi) north-west
Assos, circa 46 km (28.6 mi) north-west
Elea, Cidaenis, circa 46.5 km (28.9 mi) east
Myrina, Sebatepolis, Aliaga, circa 48.2 km (30 mi) south-east
Gryneion, Grynium, Yenisakran, circa 51.6 km (32 mi) south-east
Kyme, Cyme, circa 51.6 km (32.1 mi) south-east
Phokaia, Phocaea, Foça, circa 52.2 km (32.4 mi) south-east
Eresos, circa 53.2 km (33 mi) west
Pergamon, Asclepion, circa 53.4 km (33.2 mi) east
Adramyttion, Adramyttium, Edremit, circa 54.6 km (34 mi) north-east
Pergamon, Acropolis, circa 55 km (34.2 mi) east
Smintheum, circa 60.1 km (37.3 mi) north-west
Aigai, Aigaiai, Aegae, Aegaeae, Nemrutkale, Nemrut Kalesi, circa 63.7 km (39.6 mi) south-east
Larissa, Phrikonis, Buruncuk, circa 64.7 km (40.2 mi) south-east
Adramyttion, Adramyttium, Edremit, circa 67.6 km (42 mi) north-east
Neon Teichos, circa 68.9 km (42.8 mi) south-east
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Database ID 2429, created 10 Apr 2023, 02:31, Last changed 10 Apr 2023, 02:31