Criel Mound overview
Modern name(s) Criel Mound
Region North America : Settlements
Latitude 38.36896164 N suggest info
Longitude 81.69673703 W
Status Accurate location
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38.368962, -81.696737 === 38.368962 N, 81.696737 W === 38° 22' 8.3" N, 81° 41' 48.3" W
Ancient Cities DataBase
A website for collecting general information about cities and towns that were founded before 400 AD
Nearest sites Alexander Springs Midden, circa 1032.8 km (641.7 mi) south
Story Mound, circa 156.3 km (97.1 mi) north-west
Mound City Big Circle, circa 158.6 km (98.5 mi) north-west
Mound City, circa 159.3 km (99 mi) north-west
Arrowhead Park Middens, circa 1175.7 km (730.5 mi) south
Grave Creek Mound, circa 190.7 km (118.5 mi) north-east
Great Serpent Mound, circa 167.3 km (103.9 mi) west
Bay Pines Mound, circa 1179.4 km (732.8 mi) south
Alligator Effigy, circa 201.4 km (125.2 mi) north-west
Ocmulgee, circa 638.9 km (397 mi) south
Arch Creek Midden, circa 1393.7 km (866 mi) south
Etowah, circa 548.1 km (340.6 mi) south-west
Agawa Rock, circa 1030.1 km (640.1 mi) north
Anderson Mounds, circa 388.7 km (241.5 mi) north-west
Woodview Petroglyphs, circa 755.5 km (469.5 mi) north-east
Database ID 8838, created 7 Apr 2012, 18:33, Last changed 10 Apr 2014, 03:29