Eburodunum overview
Modern name(s) Yverdon-les-Bains
Region Europe
Section Central Europe
Latitude 46.77856486 N suggest info
Longitude 6.64101929 E
Status Accurate location
Neolithic settlement
time frame from circa 5000 BCE
Celtic settlement
time frame from circa 200 BCE
Roman fortification
time frame from circa 325 CE
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46.778565, 6.641019 === 46.778565 N, 6.641019 E === 46° 46' 42.8" N, 6° 38' 27.7" E
Ancient Cities DataBase
A website for collecting general information about cities and towns that were founded before 400 AD
Nearest sites Aventicum, Avenches, circa 33 km (20.5 mi) east
Noviodunum, Colonia Iulia Equestris, Nyon, circa 53.8 km (33.4 mi) south-west
Vesontio, Besantio, Besontion, Bisanz, Besançon, circa 68.9 km (42.8 mi) north-west
Octodurum, Martigny, Martinach, circa 82.9 km (51.5 mi) south-east
Segobodium, Roman tomb, Seveux, circa 110.8 km (68.9 mi) north-west
Segobodium, Roman villa or temple, Seveux, circa 111.1 km (69 mi) north-west
Castrum Rauracense, Augusta Raurica, Kaiseraugst, circa 117.7 km (73.2 mi) north-east
Little St Bernard Pass, Alpis Graia, circa 123.5 km (76.8 mi) south
Lentia, Lenzburg, circa 135.9 km (84.4 mi) east
Argentovaria, Kastell Biesheim, circa 155.8 km (96.8 mi) north-east
Solutré, circa 156.4 km (97.2 mi) west
Augustodunum, Autun, circa 178.3 km (110.8 mi) west
Morginum, Moringum, Moirans, circa 181.4 km (112.7 mi) south-west
Brigobannis, Hüfingen, circa 188.4 km (117.1 mi) north-east
Cularo, Gratianopolis, Graignovol, Grenoble, circa 189.9 km (118 mi) south-west
Bilitio, Bellinzona, circa 193.6 km (120.3 mi) east
Bibracte, circa 198.8 km (123.5 mi) west
Lapidaria, Zillis, circa 214.2 km (133.1 mi) east
Sipplingen, circa 217.3 km (135 mi) east
Aquae Bormonis, Bormo, Borvo, Bourbon-Lancy, circa 219.5 km (136.4 mi) west
≫ more...
Database ID 7814, created 4 Aug 2012, 18:36, Last changed 4 Aug 2012, 18:36