Nekromanteion overview
Modern name(s) Necromandio
Region Mediterranean
Section Adriatic
Latitude 39.23623676 N suggest info
Longitude 20.53404529 E
Status Accurate location
Info According to Homer's narration the place is an entrance to Hades and an oracle of dead.
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39.236237, 20.534045 === 39.236237 N, 20.534045 E === 39° 14' 10.5" N, 20° 32' 2.6" E
Ancient Cities DataBase
A website for collecting general information about cities and towns that were founded before 400 AD
Nearest sites Kassope, circa 15.8 km (9.8 mi) south-east
Nikopolis wall, circa 30.4 km (18.9 mi) south-east
Nikopolis, circa 30.3 km (18.8 mi) south-east
Dodona, circa 40.8 km (25.4 mi) north-east
Orraon, circa 33.9 km (21.1 mi) east
Leukas, Lefkada, circa 47.3 km (29.4 mi) south-east
Ambracia, circa 39.7 km (24.7 mi) east
Vitsa, circa 73.5 km (45.7 mi) north
Korkyra, Corfu, circa 68.2 km (42.4 mi) north-west
Phoenike, Phoenice, Finiq, circa 85.6 km (53.2 mi) north-west
Stratos, circa 92.4 km (57.4 mi) south-east
Antigoneia, Antigonia, Antigonea, Antigona, circa 98.5 km (61.2 mi) north
Stratos, circa 92 km (57.2 mi) south-east
Pleuron, circa 118.8 km (73.8 mi) south-east
Laphrion, circa 129.2 km (80.3 mi) south-east
Calydon, circa 129.3 km (80.3 mi) south-east
Thermos, Thermon, circa 123.8 km (76.9 mi) south-east
Amantia, circa 145.7 km (90.5 mi) north-west
Aiane, circa 152.4 km (94.7 mi) north-east
Aulon, Vlorë, circa 162.4 km (100.9 mi) north-west
≫ more...
Database ID 7630, created 7 Apr 2012, 18:30, Last changed 19 May 2013, 16:46