Oiniadai overview
Region Aegean
Latitude 38.40838284 N suggest info
Longitude 21.19922617 E
Status Accurate location
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38.408383, 21.199226 === 38.408383 N, 21.199226 E === 38° 24' 30.2" N, 21° 11' 57.2" E
Ancient Cities DataBase
A website for collecting general information about cities and towns that were founded before 400 AD
Nearest sites Pleuron, circa 18.4 km (11.4 mi) east
Stratos, circa 30.8 km (19.1 mi) north-east
Stratos, circa 31.1 km (19.3 mi) north-east
Laphrion, circa 29.1 km (18.1 mi) east
Calydon, circa 29.4 km (18.3 mi) east
Thermos, Thermon, circa 44.1 km (27.4 mi) east
Elis, Ilida, circa 59.4 km (36.9 mi) south
Leukas, Lefkada, circa 63.8 km (39.6 mi) north-west
Chalandritsa, circa 61.3 km (38.1 mi) south-east
Nikopolis wall, circa 78.2 km (48.6 mi) north-west
Nikopolis, circa 78.4 km (48.7 mi) north-west
Ambracia, circa 85.8 km (53.3 mi) north
Olympia, circa 93.6 km (58.1 mi) south-east
Pisa, circa 94.3 km (58.6 mi) south-east
Orraon, circa 98.8 km (61.4 mi) north
Kassope, circa 93.7 km (58.2 mi) north-west
Samiko, Samicum, circa 103.3 km (64.2 mi) south-east
Helike, Eliki, circa 83.4 km (51.8 mi) east
Aegira, circa 107.5 km (66.8 mi) east
Lepreo, circa 117.2 km (72.8 mi) south-east
≫ more...
Database ID 7568, created 8 May 2012, 23:01, Last changed 23 Mar 2014, 19:23