Melta overview
Region Europe
Section Balkans
Latitude 43.12767212 N suggest info
Longitude 24.71564223 E
Status Accurate location
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43.127672, 24.715642 === 43.127672 N, 24.715642 E === 43° 7' 39.6" N, 24° 42' 56.3" E
Pleiades gives scholars, students, and enthusiasts worldwide the ability to use, create, and share historical geographic information about the ancient world in digital form. At present, Pleiades has extensive coverage for the Greek and Roman world, and is expanding culturally, spatially, and temporally.
Nearest sites Seuthopolis mound, Golyama Arsenalka, circa 67.8 km (42.2 mi) south-east
Seuthopolis mound, Kosmatka, Shipka, circa 69.2 km (43 mi) south-east
Seuthopolis mound, Griffins, circa 69.5 km (43.2 mi) south-east
Seuthopolis mound, Helvetia, circa 69.6 km (43.2 mi) south-east
Seuthopolis mound, Shushmanets, circa 69.6 km (43.2 mi) south-east
Seuthopolis mound, Ostrusha, circa 71 km (44.1 mi) south-east
Seuthopolis mound, circa 75.2 km (46.7 mi) south-east
Seuthopolis mound, circa 66.8 km (41.5 mi) south-east
Seuthopolis mound, circa 77.5 km (48.2 mi) south-east
Seuthopolis mound, Kazanlak, circa 78.8 km (49 mi) south-east
Seuthopolis mound, circa 69.3 km (43.1 mi) south-east
Buzovdrad megalithic formation, circa 82.1 km (51 mi) south-east
Seuthopolis, circa 74.5 km (46.3 mi) south-east
Aedava, circa 95.8 km (59.5 mi) north-west
Nebet Tepe, Plovdiv, circa 108.6 km (67.5 mi) south
Taksim Tepe, Plovdiv, circa 109 km (67.8 mi) south
Philippopolis, Pulpudeva, Trimontium, Eumolpias, P'ldin, Pl'pdiv, Ploudin, Filibe, Plovdiv, circa 109.1 km (67.8 mi) south
Dzhambas Tepe, Plovdiv, circa 109.2 km (67.9 mi) south
Sahat Tepe, Plovdiv, circa 109.3 km (67.9 mi) south
Bunardzhik, Plovdiv, circa 109.4 km (68 mi) south
≫ more...
Database ID 6888, created 1 May 2012, 14:15, Last changed 1 May 2012, 14:15