Niani overview
Region Africa
Section Subsahara
Latitude 11.37768212 N suggest info
Longitude 8.38779802 W
Status Accurate location, but identification with ancient name uncertain
Info One of the capitals of the Mali realm.
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11.377682, -8.387798 === 11.377682 N, 8.387798 W === 11° 22' 39.7" N, 8° 23' 16.1" W
Nearest sites Koumbi Saleh, circa 490 km (304.5 mi) north
Great Mosque of Djenné, circa 501.8 km (311.8 mi) north-east
Database ID 29041, created 1 Jan 2017, 12:00, Last changed 29 Apr 2023, 01:09