Ba’ja overview
Modern name(s) Ba’ja
Region Levant
Section Southern Levant
Latitude 30.41334107 N suggest info
Longitude 35.46113531 E
Status Accurate location
Info Neolithic settlement overbuilt with Nabatean and later Islamic village.
time frame from circa 7000 BCE to circa 2500 BCE
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30.413341, 35.461135 === 30.413341 N, 35.461135 E === 30° 24' 48.0" N, 35° 27' 40.1" E
Nearest sites Rekem, Petra, Seir, circa 9.6 km (6 mi) south
Tomb of Aaron, Jebal Harun, circa 11.9 km (7.4 mi) south-west
Augustopolis, Udruh, Adrou, circa 15.9 km (9.9 mi) south-east
Mont Real, Shoubak, circa 16.3 km (10.1 mi) north-east
Basta, circa 21.8 km (13.6 mi) south
Punon, circa 24 km (14.9 mi) north
Khirbet en-Nahas, Ir Nahash, circa 29.8 km (18.5 mi) north
Bozrah, Gurbaal, Busaira, circa 39.4 km (24.5 mi) north-east
Sela, circa 41.2 km (25.6 mi) north
Tamar, Hatzeva, Ir Ovot, circa 48.7 km (30.2 mi) north-west
Valley of Zered, circa 66.4 km (41.3 mi) north-east
Uvda Leopard Temple, circa 69.6 km (43.2 mi) south-west
Mamshit, Memphis, circa 77.9 km (48.4 mi) north-west
Oboda, Avdat, circa 78.2 km (48.6 mi) north-west
Ezion Geber, circa 84.3 km (52.4 mi) south-west
Kir of Moab, Kerak, circa 88.3 km (54.9 mi) north
Aroer, circa 94.1 km (58.5 mi) north-west
Sobota, Zephath, Shivta, circa 94.9 km (59 mi) north-west
Kadesh Barnea, circa 97.6 km (60.7 mi) west
Betthorus, circa 99.5 km (61.8 mi) north-east
≫ more...
Database ID 29017, created 24 Nov 2022, 03:30, Last changed 24 Nov 2022, 03:43