Qubur Bani Israil overview
Region Levant
Section Southern Levant
Latitude 31.84174191 N suggest info
Longitude 35.26852793 E
Status Imprecise
Info The "Tombs of the Children of Israel" are huge stone structures which rise from a rocky plateau overlooking Wadi Qelt. The megaliths, measuring 15m by 3m form rectangular walled structures, two or three rows of whose gigantic, rough-hewn stones are still carefully in place. There were originally five, but one was demolished to make way for the Ramallah bypass road erected in the late 1980s.
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31.841742, 35.268528 === 31.841742 N, 35.268528 E === 31° 50' 30.3" N, 35° 16' 6.7" E
Nehemia Gordon
Google Earth community member
Nearest sites Hizmah, stone vessels cave, circa 451 m (493 yd) south-east
Alemeth, circa 1.9 km (2092 yd) south
Geba / Gibeon, circa 1.9 km (2129 yd) north
Anatot, circa 3.3 km (2.1 mi) south
Micmash, circa 3.4 km (2.1 mi) north
Gibeah, Tell el-Ful ?, circa 4.1 km (2.5 mi) south-west
Bethphage, circa 5.7 km (3.6 mi) south
Bethany, circa 7.9 km (4.9 mi) south
Ai, circa 8.3 km (5.2 mi) north
Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, circa 6.9 km (4.3 mi) north-west
Jerusalem, Jebus, circa 8.2 km (5.1 mi) south-west
Bet-el, Baytin, circa 9.3 km (5.8 mi) north
Gibeon, El-Jib, circa 7.9 km (4.9 mi) west
Nebi Samuel, circa 8.4 km (5.2 mi) west
Ephraim, Ophrah, Taybeh, circa 12.9 km (8 mi) north
Moza, Mozah, Ammaous, Kolonia, Tel Motza, circa 11.4 km (7.1 mi) south-west
Baal-hazor, Tell Asur, circa 15.3 km (9.5 mi) north
Bethlehem, circa 16.5 km (10.2 mi) south-west
Herodion, Herodium, circa 19.7 km (12.3 mi) south
Hyrkania, Hyrcania, circa 16.4 km (10.2 mi) south-east
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Database ID 2186, created 1 May 2012, 17:58, Last changed 1 May 2012, 17:58