Pyramid of Khufu overview
Region Egypt : Sites+Landmarks
Section Pyramids
Latitude 29.97914696 N suggest info
Longitude 31.13434173 E
Status Accurate location
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29.979147, 31.134342 === 29.979147 N, 31.134342 E === 29° 58' 44.9" N, 31° 8' 3.6" E
Related sites Cult pyramid of Khufu, G I-d, circa 183 m (200 yd) south-east
Queen's pyramid of Khufu, Hetepheres I, G I-a, circa 184 m (201 yd) east
Queen's pyramid of Khufu, Meritites I, G I-b, circa 205 m (224 yd) south-east
Queen's pyramid of Khufu, Henutsen, G I-c, circa 231 m (253 yd) south-east
Nearest sites Mastaba of Hetepheres I, circa 212 m (232 yd) east
Pyramid of Khafre, circa 491 m (537 yd) south-west
Mastaba of Khentkaus I, G 8400, circa 656 m (718 yd) south
Cult pyramid of Khafre, G II-a, circa 605 m (661 yd) south-west
Pyramid of Menkaura, circa 945 m (1033 yd) south-west
Queen's pyramid of Menkaura, Khamerernebti II, G III-a, circa 1018 m (1113 yd) south-west
Queen's pyramid of Menkaura, G III-b, circa 1048 m (1146 yd) south-west
Queen's pyramid of Menkaura, G III-c, circa 1077 m (1178 yd) south-west
Heit el-Ghurab, circa 1093 m (1195 yd) south-east
Pyramid of Baka, circa 4.6 km (2.9 mi) south-east
Pyramid of Khaba, Layer Pyramid, circa 5.8 km (3.6 mi) south-east
Lepsius Pyramid 1, circa 7.9 km (4.9 mi) north-west
Abu Rawash, circa 7.9 km (4.9 mi) north-west
Cult pyramid of Djedefre, circa 8.1 km (5.1 mi) north-west
Pyramid of Djedefre, circa 8.2 km (5.1 mi) north-west
Queen's pyramid of Djedefre, Khentetenka or Hetepheres II, circa 8.2 km (5.1 mi) north-west
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Tags Sites + Landmarks
Database ID 1427, created 29 May 2010, 21:35, Last changed 8 Apr 2014, 18:24