Roman temple at Poitiers overview
Region Europe
Section Western Europe
Latitude 46.58971697 N suggest info
Longitude 0.38046494 E
Status Accurate location
Info Foundations of the second temple, we are at the forefront the outer enclosure, the second wall of the cella, with two pillar base.
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46.589717, 0.380465 === 46.589717 N, 0.380465 E === 46° 35' 23.0" N, ° 22' 49.7" E
Web Roman temple at Poitiers at French Wikipedia
Main site Lemonum, Pictavium, Pictavis, Poitiers, circa 3.4 km (2.1 mi) west
Related site Pierre levée de Poitiers, circa 2.2 km (2402 yd) south-west
Nearest sites Abbaye Saint-Martin de Ligugé, St. Martin's Abbey, circa 8.9 km (5.5 mi) south-west
Scauriniacum, Villemain, circa 72.4 km (45 mi) south-west
Lucas, Loches, circa 76 km (47.2 mi) north-east
Argentomagus theatre, circa 86.3 km (53.6 mi) east
Argentomagus, Argenton, circa 86.7 km (53.9 mi) east
Iculisma, Ecolisna, Angoulême, circa 105.9 km (65.8 mi) south
Augustoritum, Limoges, circa 108.7 km (67.6 mi) south-east
Iuliomagus, Angers, circa 121 km (75.2 mi) north-west
Mediolanum Santonum, Saintes, circa 122.6 km (76.2 mi) south-west
Acitodunum, Ahun, circa 139.5 km (86.7 mi) east
Iuliacum, Rofiacum, Engoischa, Angustia, Hospital d'Angoisse, circa 141.6 km (88 mi) south-east
Noviodunum Biturigum, Neung-sur-Beuvron, circa 150.6 km (93.6 mi) north-east
Novioregum, Barzan, circa 151.8 km (94.3 mi) south-west
Civitas Petrocoriorum., Petrocorii, Périgueux, circa 158.5 km (98.5 mi) south
Vesunna, Tour de Vésone, circa 158.9 km (98.8 mi) south
Avaricon, Avaricum, Bourges, circa 162.9 km (101.2 mi) east
Nériomagos, Aquae Nerii, Néris-les-Bains, circa 177.8 km (110.5 mi) east
Vézère Valley - Grotte de Lascaux, circa 181.4 km (112.7 mi) south-east
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Database ID 1263, created 13 Oct 2014, 09:19, Last changed 13 Oct 2014, 09:19